my beautiful anon · 28d

bibi what do u think abt that alkurei story. the lack of tatsuhime had me tweaking

IM A HATER FIRST AND FOREMOST!! No tatsuhime means shit and ass and balls. Ok fr tho i havent finished matrix yet cuz of uni stuff (my beautiful friend mello @tattsuhime tled it btw) but as always happyele is edging us beautiful tatsuhime fans by forbidding us from seeing them interact with each other. honest to god a sole line of dialogue of tatsumi talking to himeru is enough of a win for me and i think it happened?! cant remember well maybe im mixing up stories or making shit up to cope but if it did then YAY WE WON BASICALLY. Outside of the little to no tatsuhime content (we need more tatsuhime. we need an enstars spin off actually. make them start a podcast maybe?) the story overall seems kinda fun and from what ive read i like akanP and i like how himeru has beef w her (? or something well that guy is a bitch and hates everyone ANDDDDDDD my favorite part is the pissed as fuck tatsumi content we got out of rinnes annoying ass oh hell yes rinne amagi youre the goat! my dick was hard as fuck. Seeing tatsumi express any emotion that isnt being a cardboard piece that gives advice sometimes makes me happy and makes my harvest succesful and my animals healthy and my hair beautiful and my skin clear. My bibi thoughts. As soon as uni stops beating my ass ill give a comprehensive review of it all tho #justwait #justlikethetatsuhimespotifyplaylistipromisedthatisinmydrafts #itllhappen #iswear.

Rewritten cuz i committed way too many grammar mistakes the first time in my defense im Bibi

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