my beautiful anon · 17d

opinion on RinHiME ?

Heh.. real bibiliebers know i love making tatsumi to be a cuck and in my mind palace himerus #1 side dude is RINNE AMAGI. sad but true.. i looove the overall kind of dynamic the have (me and the bokke/tsukkomi couples like bff!!) but also i love their development lately and gay sex aside rinne is lowkey one of the guys that make himeru feel at most comfortable with himself (said so by the himeru in #question.. well its crazyb as a whole but ive always felt rinne makes him feel more #himself than the others) cuz theyre one of a kind kind of ?? Like manipulative girls and stuff.. very smart and calculating... or whatever... also i like the fact that rinne has him soo figured out by now like yeah merumeru sure you are so secretive (guy who already knows everything) and on top of all of that of this beautiful mutual manipulation dynamic i love the fact that rinne is employee of the month at the himeru moe gap factory. king of making up embarrassing names HE WAS THE NUMBER ONE. TRENDSETTER. Thank u rinne amagi for blessing us with constant meruchan tsundere attacks

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