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hind fanclub · 28d

I’ve started getting into Uma Musume ahead of the EN game release. So far, I’ve watched Road to the Top and Beginning of a New Era. What would you recommend next? I’m thinking either the anime series or Cinderella Gray?

i recommend reading cingray~~!!
the anime is a good choice too! just be prepared for s1 being a little rough. it's my personal opinion but i found it incredibly frustrating at some points, but it's the sum of its parts. just be wary that there's a groping scene in the first episode... the series has shifted a lot since. but i feel like s1 makes s2 hit so much harder. s2 is SO GOOD. i haven't seen s3 so i can't comment...
either way, either choice is good depending on your mood. there's also umamusumeshi if you want something lighter (there is nakajoda)
i don't like pisupisu golshi but you can read it if you like. 😅

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