Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

hind fanclub · 12d

Hi, I read the fusetta you wrote about your ✈ the other day. I was very happy to see your thoughts on ✈ as I think about ✈ a lot too. Thank you very much.
Sorry it wasn't a question. Let me pray that you will continue to be well.
Once again, thank you very much.

?!! thank you... 😭 too kind
i'm happy that a fan of ✈️ likes my ✈️ stuff! i always worry maybe other ✈️ fans may not like it, so this is reassuring to me...
i'll keep drawing my ✈️ and recording my thoughts as long as i can because i do it out of love for the real life ✈️. i'll do it for the "official" ✈️ one day too... everyone should love ✈️!!!!! and 00 generation too!!!!!!!
thank you for your well wishes~ 😭
i'll try my best to look after my health...

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