
meow :3
no nsfw questions please im just a little guy

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crows · 3mo

do you think they ever talk to each other with a hint of romance or are they the type that’s constantly casual

since this is not specified i will answer for both weskttore and willbert
weskttore typically talks to each other professionally actually but theres always the slight bicker from dottore that could come off as flirting, ESPECIALLY the way wesker would respond to it
willbert would talk with a hint of romance but neither of them even notice the fact and their coworkers are giving that homophobic dog stare when they're working together in the lab

crows · 3mo

the millionaire waltz. yes or yes

crows · 3mo

who up williaming they birkin

crows · 3mo

what inspired ur thing for blenders

i honestly have no fucking idea. i had a hyperfixation on blenders for like a day and its stuck with me

crows · 9mo

and hollace how is ur horse (this is not a cruel joke. last i checked u Do have a horse)

"I'm not the one in charge of the horses. I haven't left the lab in quite awhile so I have no idea."

crows · 9mo

anyways haaaiii:333 val hows the rollerskating going

crows · 9mo


crows · 9mo

Would any of them be able to beat wesker in an arm wrestle

valentine would. hollace fails pathetically. wesker gets grossed out by fuciform's fungus goop getting on his hand and loses

crows · 9mo

would valentine survive thr cheese race and would he participate in worm charming yes or yes j think he would

for the cheese race i think he would fall over and face plant into the dirt pathetically and lay there until one of the other segments picks him up. for worm charming i think she would, he doen't use them for fishing though, mostly to feed evil fish

crows · 9mo

iifff i put hollace in one of those big like biiig bouncy ball things where its a huuuuuge bubble ball and throw him around and bounce it off the walls, would it survive

this is an insane question but no he would not survive his bones are fragile because it doesn't drink enough water

crows · 9mo

Can Valentine give me a hug ….

OH ABSOLUTELY!! valentine fuckin loves hugs, she used to be really avoidant to hugs but after some incidents hes grown to wanting hugs constantly

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