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V. elionel. · 9 answers · 2mo

Lagu apa yang kalian sering dengerin akhir-akhir ini?

Curious peeps · 2mo

Ko dipanggil cel?

Ga tau.. coba tanyanya sama yang manggil aku Cel, aku juga ga tau kenapa sender.😔

Curious peeps · 2mo

Do you see yourself as a convo builder or a dry texter?

Anin. · 12 answers · 2mo

Halo, kalian biasa nya kalo capek ngapain? 🫴🏻

Charles H. · 5 answers · 2mo

Happy weekend to you all, pals. I hope you have good food and drink. Also, good stamina for this short holiday. Quick question. What do you think about kittens?

Curious peeps · 2mo

Mana katanya ngga hehim demdud tapi jutek banget? (ini hate speech ya Cel)

BENERAN HATE SPEECH. Maaf ya kalau jutek… besok besok aku akan pake ava koket dan typing cute buat kamu.

Curious peeps · 2mo

Pagi-pagi gini enaknya ngapain, Cel?

Curious peeps · 2mo

apa arti dari usernamemu kawan

Curious peeps · 2mo

What's your type?

Type C.. BERCANDA. My type.. someone who I can feel like myself around and who makes me feel safe and accepted. Have the same interest in things and have the same humor as well.

Curious peeps · 2mo

Malu mampir ke DM nanti diculik. Tapi kamu mau dipanggil 'sayang' kan ?

Tenang.. bukan penculik kok. Aren’t we all? Kayanya semuanya mau juga deh dipanggil sayang, kamu juga kan?

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