
i make stellular stuff because open source is fun

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Lottie · 14d

If i eated soap. I dont eat it bc i did. No i didn't 🩵

Anonymous Coward · 14d

as a April fools joke can you wipe all the data for your sites

Anonymous Coward · 16d

Just out of pure curiosity. Don’t have to answer but is it true that you are a Zionist and a npd denier since I heard someone say it and I want proof it isn’t true

😭 no ofc not, people love to make things up.. idrk how to prove these but for the zionist one, read and (they've been that way for WEEKS now), that fact that anybody believes people who cannot provide proof EVER because they're just lying is crazy

Anonymous Coward · 1mo
Anonymous Coward · 1mo

are you actually a Zionist not trolling just genuine question 🙋‍♀️

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

so i know you added the option for profile pictures in bundlrs but how do we put them? like how do we upload a pfp and where 😭

upload it somewhere and get the link, then view your profile and press the button in the top right (looks like a file with a cog wheel), select "avatar_url" in the dropdown on the left, then paste the link in the input on the right

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