Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 7mo

Happy to see sooo many contributors have signed up! However that raises the question: what happens when the prompts received are less than the number of contributors? Has that happened before in other gotchas? Or do you believe the number of donations would be more than that?

OMG why didn't we receive notification for this 😭 SO SORRY for the very late response. FORTUNATELY, it's been about 15 days and we can safely say we have WAYY MORE prompts than volunteers, so this is not a problem for us. I am not sure about other gotchas but I assume if there are not enough prompts, 1. they can extend donation period and try to spread the word as much as possible and 2. each prompt can be assigned to more than one creator.

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