
I write the big people. FE Engage brainrot constant

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Anon · 2mo

Since you mentioned TMS some time ago...

What body shape/size would you give each of the main cast?

Itsuki - All around, being the MC will do that
Tsubasa - Apple
Touma - Get that man an ass that claps
Kiria - Get that girl an ass that claps (and some torso-thick thighs while you're at it)
Maiko - Beer gut + continually threatening her button shirt with bigger boobs
Yashiko - Fattest moobs in Tokyo (and a big belly)
Eleonora - I wanna say fat ass

Anon · 4mo

Favorite part to see fattened up; boobs, belly, or butts?

Somewhat mood dependent, but I’ll say belly. Especially from a more normal size, seeing a belly just barely hang over the waist, then just go further and further down is good.

Anyway thighs beat all 3

Anon · 4mo

In light of all the Rosado talk, do you think the women of the Somniel would be envious of his increasingly voluptous frame?

I think most wouldn’t really give a shit tbh, but Goldmary might care when he beats her in chest size.

Anon · 4mo

Celine and Chloe enjoy too many "snack breaks" together, so Etie tries to help them slim down, but it backfires on all 3 of them...

Anon · 4mo

Since you asked for prompts: M Alear returns from gorging themselves at one of Pandreo's parties only for his monumental mutual gainer and wife Zelestia to have made an entire feast destined for his gut

Anon · 4mo

Is there any character you’d like to write fatfiction for that you haven’t already?

Right now, probably Lumera, Diamant, Pandreo and Rafal would be the ones I want to, but haven't written yet. That small prompt collection I did a while ago was sort of meant to cover the bases with all the girls I hadn't written yet, but I want to write more Chloe, Veyle, Nel, Zelestia, Hortensia and probably other Engage characters I'm blanking on atm lol

Besides Engage though, been meaning to write for Genjitsu no Yohane's version of Aqours, namely Riko, Mari and Dia. And I wanna do more Awakening stuff sometime in the future.

Anon · 4mo

Rosado is cute enough that with the added pounds he unintentionally starts a cultural trend of gaining weight across multiple nations. Imagine being so attractive that even a thousand pounds heavier everyone is inspired to look like you.

Anon · 4mo

What else is needed? Another thousand pounds, clearly.

Anon · 4mo

People really like Rosado, huh?

His supports are all fun, and he's cute, and making him fat is fun and easy, what else is needed?

Anon · 4mo

Firstly, thank you for being one of the only people to do lots of good Engage fat stuff :D

As for prompts, I would really enjoy a repressed, immobile Goldmary attempting to reach down under to pleasure herself, and getting some assistance from her feeder F!Alear, if this interests you :)

Anon · 4mo

who do you think the fattest in each FE world would be (like archanea, Elibe, Nohr, etc)

Anon · 4mo

Since you mentioned prompts: As chairs of the Divine Dragon fan club, Framme and Clanne take it up on themselves to perfect a recipe for Alear's favorite food, no matter how many failed attempts they have to eat to get there.

Anon · 4mo

Is there a character you've wanted to write about but couldn't think of anything for?

Oh, plenty
Right now, Engage has a few for me, with Veyle, Framme, Celine, Hortensia among others I'm having trouble with. Thinking of follow-ups with ships I've written before is tough too.

Genjitsu no Yohane has also been tricky to think of something a little longer form for me, though I do at least have an idea for a fic there atm.

Anon · 4mo

Best Fates girl?

Charlotte, easily
Kagero, Scarlet, Felica, Rinkah, Flora and Azura are all great too.

Anon · 6mo

Favorite FE game and least favorite FE game?

Favorite - It kinda flip-flops between Awakening and Engage, but I'll say Engage atm
Least Favorite - Thracia or 3H probably lmao

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