Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonie 2 Β· 4mo

[πŸ’•] I just wanted to say I've been reading your fics this whole time, but I haven't been on twt for months and months bc I have a lot going on. But I frequently reread your writing, and I really like where Things I Lack Verse is going (I am such a sucker for angst with a happy ending).

OH MY GOD ! MY FRIEND πŸ’• FROM MY INBOX !!!!! OH MY GODDDDD HELLO!! how are you!! i hope everything is alright even if busy... i feel you tho; life gets busy and twitter sucks so like yeah. i cannot believe you still read .my stuff and even followed me to a new fandom? that's crazy. thank you so so very much. things i lack verse is my current obsession even if it gives me grey hairs so im soso glad that you're enjoying it!! very very glad <3 listen, i srsly would love to talk to you more, because you always bring a smile to my face. so, if you want, you can dm me your discord if you have one either here on anon or through twt dms and we can keep in touch like that??? idk. i just wanna befriend you HAHAHAHA you're lovely!!! thank you for thinking of me, and thank you for reading my stuff! it means more than i can express <3

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