Anonymous Extra · 6mo

Hello, I have a question about your alls Boom bag and how it will be sent. So, for context, I ordered the Nitro bundle, which came in today. Thank you! It’s awesome! However, I also ordered the Boom Ita bag, which was purchased separately. I have yet to receive a tracking number for it and was wondering if I will be receiving one. I have a receipt for it if you need to see proof of purchase. I’m sorry for the disruption and hope you all are have a wonderful day!

Hello! If you bought separately and emailed us to combine the orders then they were sent together. If you did not let us know about combining separate orders we sent them separate and all larger bundles were sent first and the smaller bundles were sent last. The ita bag only orders were sent closer to the end of shipping. If you haven't received your tracking number for the ita bag yet, please send us an email with your order number and we'll assist you further. Hope this helps!

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