ear enthusiast · 7mo

Yoohyeon literally gives herself the best, most endearing nicknames ever like I just wanna munch munch nom nom her. Do you have a specific yoohyeon pic that you associate with each nickname? Like which pic is captain doggo, which is yoohtoni, which is pongpong, etc? This is for a scientific research, heheh

hello. i agree and i understand. munch nom nom. however i hope i don't disappoint you when i say... i don't really have specific photos i associate with each name actually... to me... each name is associated with a Vibe. a specific state of Being that i do not know how to word. but. in my heart, i know. what it is. i am so sorry. i hope your research does not take a heavy hit. i support you. carry on. hwaiting

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