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A voice in jai's head, · 7d

i remember you got your crochet proj as chirstmas gifts last yr! how about this yr?

i was weak this year bc i kinda had to relearn how to crochet lowkey 💀 like not rlly bc it only took an hour or so to get back to my usual rhythm but i spent so long worried that i couldn't crochet anymore that i procrastinated and was only able to do my gma and mom's gifts and just told my siblings i'll finish theirs later. i will post what i made at some point but it was just rlly small easy stuff (pencil case, flower bookmark, and a card holder) the card holder and pencil case i had actually started last year bc i planned on making them 2 gifts but didn't finish in time so i just finished them for this xmas and made my mom a bookmark bc it's now like a tradition and she likes having them. my siblings will have "cooler" stuff bc they have taste more similar to me so those should be nice when i do start them and i will post those too

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