Aretha Jasmine.
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drop your hate and lemme step on it ♡


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a bitch · 3mo

Where are you? Long time no see. We haven't drink together.

a bitch · 4mo

Kak, ketemu muse yang kakak pakai ini dimana ya? Aku ingin cari yang vibesnya sama. Terimakasih.

Astaga maaf aku baru lihat! Original museku kemarin nemu random aja di explore instagram yaa. Kebetulan lagi lihat-lihat yang lain dan nemu dia terus cocok, jadi kupakai. Gitu sayang. <3

a bitch · 4mo

Choosing a jerk beside the one who truly adores and loves. Such a good taste, Reth.

I'm sorry, ini based on apa ya? Who's the chosen one? Aku terakhir pilih orang malah kalah soalnya. (Aku pilih 01 kemarin)

a bitch · 5mo

Don't say "a special one" if he didn't choose you

we didn't end up together doesn't mean he didn't choose me darl wkwkwk you better not talking loud if you don't know much.

a bitch · 5mo

How does it feel to have two faces?

great, especially when i know someone pay attention to them. which one prettier do you think?

a bitch · 5mo

Ada hubungan apa sama Dion?

a bitch · 6mo

Kak, Lorenzo, Marquez, rossi kejar-kejaran, salip menyalip di?

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