Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

P-CHAN · 2mo

hi!! i think you should genuinely take a break off twitter, i understand you dont have much else to do (im homeschooled aswell!! i understand) but I think twitter isn't good for you esp when you recently had a pet pass away, sorry if my tone sounds off, im trying to be nice. tldr: please take a break. maybe try watching a new show/one you already enjoy? or playing a new game? new books? try a new hobby? maybe try learning something new!! ^.^ ofc u dont have to listen to me, im just an anon after all but please take my words into consideration!!!! also, just dont engage with people trying to start drama!! addressing allegations is a good thing to do, but you dont have to do it every single time. maybe try a new coping mechanism aswell!! try new foods if you want!! take care of urself.

i know i really want to and tysm anon for saying this but someone is going around spreading false information about me and i feel like i have no other choice but to see what happens so i can prove them wrong so if you were that anon that lied about me pls let me know and text me so we can clear up this whole misunderstanding :(

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