Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

my cosmos · 1mo

re-reading the au waiting for updates and i feel like people are FORGETTING that hyk is the one that caused the drama in the first place if you really think about it??? like he was the one saying mark was acting sulky and like a baby when all he did was just be surprised at the sudden information he got? like a normal human being? anyone would be surprised at that information? but hyk took it personally for whatever reason and started being mean first by calling him and baby and saying he was sulking?????? maybe im just dumb or whatever...... like i het marks actions after that were a bit severe but i mean... hyk had it coming after starting it in the first place? idk... my brain is overthinking soooo much but i love the au so much i love mahae so much i love every thing that is going to come thank you for writing

yeah i think a lot of people over looked how dh initially provoked mk, but with how mk lashed out, the people definitely came to forget what happened and just started pinning all the blame on mk DKDBSK but thank u for loving 🥹🥹 i hope u have the best day anon

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