Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

💌 · 4mo

isn’t it selective how you side with some who publicly bullies their moot (lol what a good friend thank god idk them irl) but they choose to ignore everysukugo stalking and harassing stsg fans for no reason? Very selective don’t you think? Weird that stsg can’t do anything but a particular fandom with no canon material whatsoever can and always play the victim. No wonder nobody likes you guys

if u call that bullying then their moot was bullying a bunch of people too 😭 everysukugo didnt stalk anyone.. they just call out people who’re problematic and annoying. and don’t pretend stsgs dont do anything cause i’m pretty sure there’s a proshipper in your fandom who has 25k followers

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