Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

🎞️ ₊ Andri · 5 answers · 10mo


whats your deal breaker when making new friends (i swear to gof if you say retrospring user ifyanasty i will FREAKKK)

people who don't know anything else besides "ok" "sure" and "mhm" 😭 I'm not your siri please talk to me like a normal person with interests .

retrospring user @ifyanasty (no but if they get overly clingy when we just met/spam me all the time)

when they get too pushy and instantly ask for things among another things, or them being overly hyper like "HAII!! I LOVE PINK!! DO YOU LIKE PINK?! LETS BE BESTIES!!"

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