Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Rũi · 9mo

Can you describe @userpages? [:

Well, are you ready though? It will be a long ride and you might fall asleep before I can even finish or you can read my response. First of all, he's mysterious, something about his vibe that's mesmerizing and full of mystery that I want to unfold. A nice, gentle, sweet and caring guy— actually, he's a man. Someone I can rely on, someone I consider my haven and home, and he can be quite funny when he wants to and he's more into meeting your demands which makes me want to protect him at all cause. That's how precious he is, although we barely talk due to our busy schedules, still, the excitement I feel whenever I see his presence is something I can't describe beyond words. All I could say is your company is very much appreciated and I enjoy every moment with him. I have so many things I wanted to say but I will stop here. I'm grateful to meet him.

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