Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

A random mortal · 8mo

Your eloquence brings me some type of peace to my anxious thoughts; that in the future, literature in its essence - the sharing of one’s thoughts, one’s true soul - will not be lost to time in exchange of baseless stories which bring financial satisfaction. Does writing bear no more dignity?, you make me believe otherwise. I truly hope I don’t sound patronizing; I am but amazed at your mastery, fellow wordsmith.

A belletrist soul can always recognize another. Perhaps my eloquence maybe comforts you because it's nothing more than the verbalization and concretization (in vocal cords) of my thoughts, of my anxious mind. I wish I had all the dignity that writers publishing for money and fame have, but it is comforting to realize that there are still souls capable of understanding me, with whom I can connect. I really appreciate it, dear. Come closer so we can talk properly, uhm?

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