cute anon · 5mo

okay im like 2 months late to saying this but ever since the new vox model dropped i can’t stop thinking about ivy/voxanne height difference ……………… UNNNGGHHGGG SEXXXXX

😭😭😭😭😭 oh fucking god YEAH ?!!!?! YEAH !!!! oh my god.. small little gf and her oversized demon girlfriend.. climb her like a damn tree. i can imagine.. ivy getting overstimmed from just a couple of voxanne’s fingers inside her, trembling and whimpering, because the digits are just that thick inside her.. gripping voxanne’s horns as she rides her face.. plus small enough to fit right on voxanne’s lap.. voxanne big spoon!!! ivy little spoon!! very very little spoon!! bwah… im crazy anon . thank you 💙🙏

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