cute anon · 4mo

i hope you're well 🫂 💙

brainrot of the day: 🖋 mesh top... but with SENSITIVE nip piercings beneath. so. ppl play w them thru the mesh. he's really embarrassed & overstimulated (BUT IT WAS ALL ACCORDING TO PLAN he's just suffering from sex and success.)

OH and. tummy piercing so when he's thrust into/hes preggy it bulges a little heeheehee

(i haven't been insane in a good min i hope u see the vision! 💙💙)

slut prophet im so sorry for the late reply, its always wonderful to hear from you 🥺 IM THINKING ABOUT THIS A LOT OKAY… after the new art that was revealed i just… ohh so many piercings, theyre so cute and so inconvenient too.. they catch on everything but its okay, it feels nice :3 THE TUMMY PIERCING THOUGH… WWWWHHHFFHAHDFGGHHRJFKFGJ im fine im normal even. i really love ur brain … thank u… im considering it so much, and im seeing the vision bwahhh

also re: your other ask… 🥹 thank u, im doing okay-er!!! needed a little break but we are SO BACK. i hope youre doing well too. youre always welcome to go nuts in here, your messages always make me smile, insane or not. take care slut prophet, and have wonderful dreams of our slutty little oshi 💙🥰

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