cute anon · 3mo

Hello! I have a question about that post you made, taking requests. When you include "yume" into what you're okay with, do you mean male yumes, like yumedanshi? Or any sort of masculatine self-inserts?

hi! sorry for any confusion ! i meant i’m okay with drawing/writing any kind of “ike x reader”/ self insert, regardless of gender !

generally, when writing for myself, i approach yume from a more gender neutral/ambiguous angle so it’s accessible to everyone. but, if you have preference for a masc/fem reader or POV, just specify!

i also consider yume to be lot more intimate/personal, as in You x Ike, as opposed to my mob stuff which is a lot more lewd and more “Random Person x Ike”, like a dirty self indulgent doujinshi lol

but to be clear, all ike yumes are welcome here ..! yumedanshi or yumejoshi alike hehe

hopefully that answered your question, if not, feel free to send a follow up! i have a habit of overexplaining .. thank you for your inquiry!

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