shy baby girl · 3mo

heyyy, anon who asked what your fav dead dove stuff was. youre SO REAL for the incest/age gap/allat stuff oh my GOD. just needing someone so incredibly badly and not being able to have them bc of social/biological norms or boundaries but desiring them so much that you cant control yourself and ignore them.... gives me the chills in a good way

anyways you seem very cool so heres another question, opposite of what i asked last time, whats your least fav dead dove thing??? mine is probably cannibalism and idk if this is dead dove per se but feederism,, idk it gives me the ick

also how do you feel about lolicon/shotacon?? personally i like em :3


so sorry for the 3 month delay, sometimes my brain short circuits and i have to take a break from answering questions.

but MAN OK i love the energy we've created here, you GET IT!!!!

i'm not super into cannibalism either, i have a hard time with gore in general 😭 but i can deal with it sometimes, like im a fan of hannibal LOL but like... idk i wouldnt seek out to read a fic about my fave performing cannibalism or being cannibalized it scares me so much. but lobotomy is another one i just can't get behind, it's so terrifying to think about 😭 i really can't stand it at all, it's a major squick for me. i wanna say i understand the appeal at least, but that'd be a lie!!!! no shame to anyone that's into it, ig it's like a power fantasy??? maybe??? but not for me!!!

idk if i'd call feederism dead dove, i think that's just a normal kink LOL but i'm not into it either anon, we are holding hands rn.

i love lolisho 😭 the same as i said about incest/age gap. it's just power dynamics, exploring guilt/impulsive lust, and then my major kink size difference LOL howeverrrr some ways that people draw/write lolisho really turns me off and disgusts me. i'm kinda picky about it, and i prefer to write it with my friends because it feels more safe and controlled that way.

thank you for all the questions and thinking i'm cool anon, you seem cool too!!!! :3

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