shy baby girl · 6mo

what kind of music do you think your fav sp characters listen to?

i think kyle is that kind of pretentious guy that listens to indie and underground music before its cool and gets pissed off when everyone starts listening to it. he loves trying to be special.

stan listens to classic rock (randy's influence) and emo/screamo, metal... that kind of stuff. kyle likes the classics, but he has to yell at stan to turn that shit off when he puts screamo on at 7am on their way to school.

kenny listens to pretty much anything, he's very flexible. but his go to is rock and metal, listens to it with stan a lot. they could nerd out about music together a lot (guitarist bassist bonding) and kenny knows all the words to like, every country song ever (thanks to his parents)

eric is a pop queen, and he's unashamed of it. need i see more.

tweek listens to video game soundtracks (stan too, one of the only things they have in common LOL) likes instrumental stuff... fixates on one part of a song and listens to it on loop.

craig is dadcore, so like linkin park, red hot chili peppers, etc. but he has a kpop/jrock phase that he keeps on the downlow (only kenny knows, they learn the dances together ASKDDKLF) "it's not a secret, but like... don't tell anyone. 'k?"

wendy listens to almost exclusively women artists... she doesn't support kpop because "it's exploitative to women" but she likes it in secret, she'll never admit to it (when she's going on a rant about it, bebe calls her out for being a hypocrite cause "look what the industry did to britney spears, wendy! geeze!") listens to mostly pop (surprised eric likes all the same stuff as her lol) and loves the classics... madonna, whitney houston, celine deion, cher...

thank you to my wife for helping me brainstorm this stuff!! also im sorry this one took so damn long 😭

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