shy baby girl · 3mo

indulge me for a moment — obsessive kyman. but not the usual where cartman is the super obsessive one. kyle is obsessed with cartman, absoluetly obsessed. everytime cartman speaks kyles gotta suddenly go to the other room. he confesses to kenny that his worst fear is getting sent random dickpics online, knowing kenny will tell cartman, knowing cartman will make burners every time to send them to kyle. its pretty obvious that its cartman when the dick is the same every time, so kyle hasnt got any qualms touching himself to the pictures. he installs a camera in a plushie he gifts to cartman so he can watch him wank. he drugs cartman whenever they have sleepovers and rides him and cartman is none the wiser. he saves vials of cartmans cum during these times. he takes cartmans laundry and smells it while he rubs his clit. he buys a dildo the same shape and size as cartmans cock and rides it. every thought pertains in some degree to cartman. he wants cartman to tie him up and absolutely ruin him. he wants cartman to fuck him in every position, to not stop when he cums, to spend every waking moment with that man. hed kill for cartman. hes utterly obsessed.

sorry this is a little long i got carried away :3


i just love the imagery of kyle measuring eric's dick in his sleep so he can find the perfect dildo. or were you imagining that kyle just has it memorized, he sees it and he just knows. "yeah... this is eric cartman shaped." DFGVDFGFD also have you considered kyle getting a pillow and taping a picture of eric's face to it so he can hump it. just food for thought.

does eric find out?? i think he'd be weirded out and degrade kyle for it, but he'd also be so turned on... and degrade him even more LOL

dont apologize, thank you for sending me your deranged thoughts 💐

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