shy baby girl · 5d

Hi blueeee I know you aren’t gonna read this for like a month because you are a bastard but it’s Chrissy and I love you so much and you’re such a good person and I am excited to see what you have coming up my darling 💙💙💙

jokes on you, i'm reading it AND responding after 17 hours so you owe me an apology!!!!!!!!

CHRISSY I LOVE YOU!!!!! wahh you're so nice 🥺 i honestly don't have much cooking rn, i've been kinda creative blocked. i have like 5564545 wips but i haven't been in the mood to draw or write. pain... i hope i can get smth out and not disappoint you bb 🫡

when are you going to share your big brain ideas with the rest of us, chrissy??? huh???

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