shy baby girl · 4d

I mean dvda right? kyle fitting 2 dicks in his pussy, 2 in his ass, one dick in each hand as he jerks them off, one dick in his mouth for his to suck on, that's 7 dicks he's got enough friends to achieve that yes he feels so full and overwhelmed but he loves having everyone's attention on him and focusing on making his friends come before he even thinks about getting to come himself

this is just canon to me tbh, like. i'm trying to picture in my brain how they'd maneuver like this but they'd figure something out. i think it's doable, if they all angle the right away kyle could totally take it. he's so fucked out and cock drunk, hardly coherent and conscious afterwards, but he'll be ok. he lives for this attention, just wants to be a glorified cock sleeve for all of his friends!!!!

ok but like imagine him tied up in the boys bathroom for free use!!!!! blindfolded so he doesn't even know who's cock is inside of him anymore, can only guess by the breaths above him. what a whore!

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