Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

shy baby girl · 6mo

then you leave me no choice. for failing your challenge, a pendulum swings down, just barely missing your head. it breaks a crystal ball that's been sitting in back of you this whole time, releasing a swirling ancient curse. before the curse dissipates into the sickly air, it whispers, "1000 years no kyle hole"

no.... NO.... NO YOU CAN';T DO THIS TO ME!!!!!!! YOU CANT DO THIS, PLEASE!!! PLEASE, GIVE ME A SECOND CHANCE! ANOTHER RIDDLE!!!!!! PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU, MERCY PLEASE!!!!!!!!! if... if i really have to choose...... 😿..... i...... oh god... im gonna be sick.... i-if i have to choose..... it'd..... god forgive me.... tw... twyle... id pick twyle... BUT ONLY BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE UNDERSTANDS THEM!!!!!! I MUST FOLLOW MY DESTINY AND PUSH THEIR AGENDA!!!! sobbing on the floor

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