Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

shy baby girl · 5mo

i’m a big and silent lurker of this side of sptwt, but i just saw your post about your cat and god i am so sorry. he looks basically identical to my baby who i only put down a couple of months ago. i’m still not over it, but i can promise it will get slowly get easier. overtime you remember more of the best moments instead of that one part. yet again, i am so sorry, it is a truly awful thing to experience 💕

i'm so sorry for sitting on this for a while t_t i tried to reply a number of times but its kinda hard to talk about, you know t_t... idk how to explain it. but i appreciate this so much, you are so very kind!!!! it's been a few weeks now and it's not as hard as it was before, but i still think about him and miss him daily. thank you so much for your kindness, and i'm so sorry to hear about your own baby. my dms are open if you ever want to talk about them or share photos of them <3 i hope you're doing well 💙

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