Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

On August 8, 2004, a tour bus belonging to the Dave Matthews Band dumped an estimated 800 pounds (360 kg) of human waste from the bus's blackwater tank through the Kinzie Street Bridge in Chicago onto an open top passenger sightseeing boat sailing in the Chicago River below.

As part of a 2005 legal settlement, the band agreed to pay $200,000 to environmental protection and other projects (equivalent to $312,000 in 2023). The band also donated $100,000 to two groups that protect the river and the surrounding area (equivalent to $156,000 in 2023).[1] The band's bus driver, Stefan Wohl, pleaded guilty to dumping the waste in April 2005.[2]

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