Anonymous Coward · 5d

did u c6 ei on her first banner? just curious !! and why do you like her playstyle so much??? go crazy and ramble all u want :3!!

(warning. i really did yap and ramble) SCREAMS OF JOY!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKYOU actually with her it was gradual however in her first banner i came out with c3r1 :3! then first rerun i got c6r2 n her second rerun c6r5 :,3

i started playing late 1.4 n my first 5* n 4* characs were electro (keqing n fischl) so i think that served as a predecessor for the Madness... back then the game had such a small handful of strong dps n i joined at a time where the release banners of the liyue big 3 were already done for so i was strugglinf a bit n rocking with my xinyan n beidou mainism for a while... i wasnt interested in a lot of 5* at the time beside zhongli n didnt have enough units to do much i was struggling BAD n i dont even think i realized. like i basically was just wandering around the game everyday for 5 months bc i couldnt kill almost anything or clear any content 😭 i was rlly lost mentally on building characs too i dont think anything clicked in my head until i got raiden im dead serious

i had already seen inazuma trailers n charac leaks n had the common lesbian experience of being at the verge of fainting when i saw raiden pull out the musou no hitotachi from her chest... BUT! AT THE TIME I ACTUALLY had intentions of saving for hu tao rerun cuz i knew she was strong! n rather than raiden i actually wanted to get sara more because i was a little obsessedkdmd i was keeping up with raiden beta on n off so i actually didnt have a complete grasp on how strong she was n i also didnt have a definite decision on whether i wanted her or not until like day of her release,

when i tell you. when i lost the 50/50 but then got her early afterwards . something clicked in my brain to Keep Pulling it wasnt abt sara anymore (well it was cuz i knew i needed c6) but the feeling of like , finally having a proper dps + getting so lucky back to back for the first time ingame (i think i got c3r1 in less than 300 pulls 😭) + me being so obsessed with raiden as a charac from the getgo it was rlly like a recipe for disaster like , imagine going from literal months of barely doing anything ingame n logging in out of habit to now suddenly having this hot purple lesbian that singlehandedly filled n bridged so many gaps at once in my account n made me finally enjoy playing the game like . raiden was and is still everything to me 😭 she was everything i didnt even know i needed in a charac i loved how fast paced her gameplay was the multiple sources of dmg conversion aspect the collaborative dmg aspect with the resolve and skill like she made everything so easy i literally from that day on dedicated all my resources (and still in a way continue to do) for her n it was just such a fun experience seeing in real time as she got progressively stronger... AGH i dont know im so. H hyperfixation is extremely strong

so Basically long story short rather than gameplay itself u had to know the context of the times n why it was so easy for me to love n be so invested in her across all aspects....

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