Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Homurers · 8mo

Hi homu~ I don't think you remember me but, I have more friends now because of you! Thank you for responding my questions back then, I was to shy to interact again after that. But I did it! I do make a move first and then many people are responding to me. I love you and thank you! I become more confident now! 🩷

This warms my heart, no way that I don't remember you, cutie♡ I knew you could make friends who approaches you too like you do to them^^! I am very much happy for you and I'd help you anytime I can. I'm hoping for a long wholesome friendships of you and them, you deserve it^^♪ I love you too and have a great days ahead! ♡ Never lose that confidence ^-°

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