Homie · 2mo

Manhwatwt general q: complete the statement “manhwatwt is not complete without (blank)” can be a person, manhwa events, things, random etc

manhwatwt is not complete without:

• Moots doing reading threads
• Anons coming to Bibi's rs and camping there
• Anon treating xera's rs as customer complaint of manhwatwt
• Em fighting for ahan's license
• Tapas being the most fav app to the least fav one
• Anons asking for title
• Those trends of dropped /fav manhwas (ppl need to grow up please and stop doing them)
• Having the fanwars (again please grow up everyone has their own preferences!!)
• Some stupid dickheads posting the locked panels ( they need to learn to respect the author and artist and to be patient)
There are many more but only these are coming at this moment

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