anon · 9mo

if you don't mind me asking, why do you orphan some fics?

The short version is that I was thinking about deleting my AO3 as a whole in early 2022 because I just didn't enjoy writing anymore. I'm still repairing my relationship with writing (writing as survival vs writing as a hobby) and what it is that I get from it and it's taken a lot of experimenting and silliness encouraged by friends.

Basically, at the time, I no longer wanted certain works to be associated with me. This obviously no longer applies for most of them - they're mostly in my masterlist! (Maybe 2-4 aren't, but they were posted anonymously to begin with, so you'll never find them. Ehehe.) For a handful of them: I personally cannot read my own fics. So orphaning them makes it easier for me to actually engage without my biggest critic being an asshole. There is not a single fic on my AO3 that hasn't been edited to hell and back since posting, but I'd like to think I'm a lot kinder to myself these days.

The most important part is this: I know who they belong to and I know what my intention was. If you find them and enjoy them, they're yours to engage with however you see fit! Every so often, I'll click to see if there's any new comments on them and sometimes I will reply, but tl;dr not my business anymore, that was the old me xoxo

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