anon · 24d

hey wren, how have you been?

fun life updates:
- got my helix pierced. i needed some excitement. it itches.
- getting two tattoos on thursday and probably another one next week. we're up to ~21 tattoos now. don't ask me about my credit card bill.
- went from green to like, wine reddish hair? i'm circling back to orange/ginger slowly but surely.
- spent an hour googling what to do if your wellbutrin bottle smells weird (apparently it's normal? could be a bad batch? it's only in my timer cap bottle tho which is Annoying)
- had a fic idea whack me over the head like an anvil falling from the sky last week and writing it for a fest. maybe. for a virgo, i'm bad at deadlines.
- reopened dilf scoups fic today because i actually outlined ch 2. we cheered
- probably gonna hit my reading goal for the year in literally like. a month.
- seeing hanif abdurraqib do a reading this month!!!! meeting him for the first time as well and kind of nauseous about it. like, reminding myself i should not say "i cried so hard after reading i wasn't brought here i was born that i was genuinely concerned i would be sent home from my internship"
- in a rare tv watching mood so i'm burning through my list on netflix :)

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