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kind-hearted. · 7mo

Kak Hadley scantik boleh engga ya kasih tau make-up brands yang foto kakak itu… you’re so pretty aku mau DM tapi malu T__T

hi! i’d love to tell you about the makeup brands i frequently use daily. i only hit the highlights with a couple of brands in that post:

complexion ♥︎ clio cushion (ivory), somethinc hooman loose powder.
blush ♥︎ flortte butterfly cream blush.
lippie ♥︎ innisfree dewy tint lip balm (04).

should i mention the eye-palette/eyebrow pencil as well? i use somethinc microcara brow gel and barenbliss mascara if you want to know! my eye makeup products come from judydoll, rom&nd, and gogotales [with judydoll being my top choice]. for setting spray, luxcrime (matte finish) is my pick. dearest, feel free to message me through dm and i’ll get back to you as soon as i can. ♥️

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