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kind-hearted. · 6mo

Hi! May I know kamu belajar bahasa inggris dari mana ya? Eng kamu cantik banget! 🥹🫶🏻

i can’t say i am highly proficient at writing in english, though a few factors influence this since english is part of my mother tongue. i grew up in a country where english was the primary language, and yes, i still speak it occasionally. i may not be fluent in typing spontaneously because i am more used to speaking it. moreover, i have been taking classes (including mandarin and english) since childhood until my teens. my current major in college is deeply connected to english and french. if you think my language structure is pretty good, i’d be genuinely appreciative, though i know i still have much to learn and improve on!

oh, i may not have a clear-cut answer, but perhaps a few of my recommendations could be of help to you. i usually visit the british council website for speaking techniques and improvement tips. if you’re a beginner, you might want to try duolingo and TED as well. furthermore, make sure to frequently read the news from voice of america, since it’s great for boosting your knowledge, and it’s both concise and easy to comprehend.

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