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Anon · 4h

will there be mnjeong angst in space au?

Anon · 2d

will the hyunsung chronicles come out intermittently with space au?

Anon · 2d

what is chnlx's arc like in space au? to be specific, what's the conflict of their story as compared to minjeong?

unfortunately i cant talk much about chanlix without it being spoilery 🥲 minlix are in an arranged engagement so that is def. one of their many hurdles

Anon · 2d

the line on minho's jaw, is that a tattoo? is it a ritual thing part of their religion? curious

Anon · 1d

TBOYL Got my mind spinning about the what if of Jeongin if he hadn't grown up with chan's love. Would he have become serial killer Jeongin? Sounds like that version of Jeongin would scare everyone. He might even have Minho shaking in his boots.

you've got the order of operations wrong... jeongin being with chan (and the others) is why he is so cavalier about killing in the first place. without chan's love and protection jeongin would have been trampled, his soul would have been crushed. he would not have become dangerous, he would not have become anything at all.

Anon · 12d

What will beta Sngmn get up to in the space au? Love the way you write Sngmn!

he gets dragged along with jeongin to minho's weirdass planet and then continues to be dragged through pedantic rituals and stupid political intrigue and he may or may not get severely wounded at several points but he also gets railed by changbin's fat alpha dick so you know win some lose some

Anon · 12d

The heist chapter is also one of my favorites. Did you do a lot of research? There were so many moving parts to the heist!

i was gonna be like "we never research" but that isn't true. i did look up safes/vaults and rara does a lot of research on the guns, and i also was looking up drills and machinery and all that. we also did study the logistics of rappelling without a harness. so yeah we did some research but tbh we didn't really research heists as a concept, and maybe we should have sobs.

Anon · 12d

What chapter of tboyl are you most proud of??

rara says she really liked how chapter 18 turned out (the chapter where they first went into blackbird's) and also the chapter where they find out felix's identity. i really am proud of the heist chapter, and i also like the chapter where felix is almost kidnapped.

Anon · 16d

late to this discussion but in evil!flx tboyl, did seungmin still recognize him the first day and keep his identity a secret?? does lx bring that up in the end? cuz imagining the guilt seungmin would feel is CRUSHING me

HONESTLY i hadn't thought of it that far. he probably did recognize him, but i dont think he brings it up in that final confrontation. felix's gloating is centered pretty heavily on chan, seungmin is just. not on his radar.

Anon · 14d

I just saw the photomanip of Mnh with his scar and I had to have a quiet moment for what Jeongin went through. haha. When did Jeongin first notice that Minho was noticing him in a romantic or sexual way? Jeongin is so perceptive!

i think it was after minho saved him from that intruder. minho started treating him much more softly after that, and it just... felt different, from the way the softness of the others felt

Anon · 13d

if tboyl isn’t finished why are you guys doing other fics and letting it sit ☹️

Anon · 17d

any thoughts on mnjng breeding kink? 👀

i feel more strongly about chanlix breeding kink, but there's a flavor there for minjeong as well. for chanlix it's more actually breeding oriented, for minho it's just that pregernante jeongin drives him crazy

Anon · 18d

could u guys give a post tboyl minjeong fun fact 😔😔 really in my feels for a week reread it again for like 6th time now

Anon · 19d

Have you written any evil Felix universe snippets you could post???? I’m so curious!!!

Anon · 18d

After reading all your tweets about evil felix au thank you for the only real pain you gave us in the fic was jisung being dumb af (and the whole nearly dying thing but his stupidity remains painful)

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