Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

g · 10mo

Hi! I just saw about the separation. I hope everything is okay and well. Was sad to hear about that, but I do look forward to all your solo works and hope you're enjoying those just as much if not more! I do have one question though. Does that mean any projects yall had are discontinued for good? For example, Sinners? That was supposed to be a series, I think? Will all of it just be discontinued or is there a possibility of taking on some solo? Just curious. That fic is one of my favorites. It was so good!

I’m alright g, thank you❤️ I am enjoying my solo stuff !! I hope you enjoy them too if you stick around🥰 yes, unfortunately all of our joint projects are discontinued. It wouldn’t be right for one of us to write a sequel without the other. I’m glad you enjoyed it, though❤️

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