
Btw i lack common sense.

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Mysterious bud\(^-^)/ · 11h

Do you know what chapter from htwmho novel should i read if we follow the manhwa version?

Fortunately, the pacing is quite good, so we don't have to waste our time searching for the chapter after reading the manhwa - it's Chapter 97 in the novel.

Mysterious bud\(^-^)/ · 11h

Yesss that iske’s punching bag guy hssgfssdjdk tysm!!!

Mysterious bud\(^-^)/ · 11h

Someone need to let me know the name of the grey haired paladin with ponytail. He’s always with ivan btw!

Vera · 14h

I so need Siru-nim to make Cesar’s death detailed, his end was so unsatisfying & vague. I NEED TO SEE HIM DIE, there was no point in making a character so hate-able to not give me a detailed description.

I completely agree, child! So far, Siru Nim has never let us down, whether it's with additional character stories, pacing, or art styles. Siru Nim will undoubtedly deliver a worthy and enjoyable experience!

Mysterious bud\(^-^)/ · 2d

I need to know how Cesare meets his end please, like I hate him so much, I hope Ruby is the one who kills him and makes him suffer

Mysterious bud\(^-^)/ · 3d

siru hates cesar so much i am so excited to see how she will end him

I assure you, there's no exaggeration when I say I detest that invasive species!!!!

I have no qualms if the scene becomes explicitly violent! I genuinely want to see that sewer rat suffer in the most excruciating and torturous way possible. Witnessing him in pain will bring me immense satisfaction!

Mysterious bud\(^-^)/ · 4d

Modern au… ch95 is just one scene from a drama but ruby and iske are happily together irl… i wonder what actor iskes reaction would be to that scene

In a modern AU scenario, if actor Iske found out there would be a kissing scene between Ruby and Cesare,

he'd most likely take a shameless approach and himself warn (threaten) the director to either cut or modify the scene.😭

Mysterious bud\(^-^)/ · 5d

What´s gonna happen with Ellen and Ruby now, after that kiss I can´t deal with poor Ruby going back to square one with Ellen, Ruby can´t suffer any more

I truly appreciate how Ellen handled the situation.
Firstly, she threatened everyone not to tell Iske about it. Secondly, when she discovered that Ruby wasn't in her room in the middle of the night, she went searching for her, where Ruby was rubbing the mushroom on her lips while saying she needed to cleanse herself or Iske wouldn't accept her. Ellen reassured her that she's not dirty and everything is gone. Ellen carried the sleeping Ruby on her back and allowed Ruby to stay in her room instead of her own. Once Ellen found out how Freya's behavior toward ruby , she chose to distance herself from Freya due to her bond with Ruby❤️

Mysterious bud\(^-^)/ · 5d

I miss iske it hurts give us your headcanon on how iske dreams about ruby

Mysterious bud\(^-^)/ · 5d

I hope in ch 96 Ellen scolds freya again because i still can't believe she still has energy to bother ruby .

One thing I find worth mentioning about her is that she can be incredibly ambitious but also quite stupid at times. She simply cannot read the room properly.

Mysterious bud\(^-^)/ · 7d

Will ruby and iske met soon? Like after he sees SHIT HEAD and beats him up will we see the two talk or console each other

Unfortunately, they won't meet each other until the tournament ends. Also, when Iske was about to kill sewer rat after witnessing the abuse, but his bitch-ass flew away. Following that, the dragon caused chaos in the city that was controlled by magic stones. Iske almost died while fighting with the dragon, dodging his vicious attacks. And after that, they finally found some time. Ruby found herself unsure if she was hallucinating or if the guy next to her was genuinely crying. They had a long, painful conversation, and consoled each other.

Mysterious bud\(^-^)/ · 7d

After this last chapter please when Is Ruby´s suffering going to end, and please Iske come back to her she needs you

Unfortunately, it's just the beginning. But hey, the good news is that Ruby won't have to pretend anymore. There was a scene where Ruby fearlessly accused Cesare if he's gay (lmao) since he was going on and on about Iske, which I find hilarious. However, we'll have some beautiful scenes to enjoy as well, so let's look forward to that!

Mysterious bud\(^-^)/ · 7d

So iske won’t hate ruby right? his feelings won’t change and they will stay together right? Im so worried

Iske is the type of man who acted like rumors about ruby never existed, even though Freya tried her best to convince him. And you know what iske said?

'Are you bored with your life ?'

Even if what Freya said were true, iske would never hate ruby or find her filthy. Their connection and iske's unwavering belief in Ruby runs deep, way deeper than any truths or rumors.😭

Mysterious bud\(^-^)/ · 10d

y'know janne if we think about it Freya is actually terrifying ngl,like the horse riding event she attempted to kill ruby by sending her alone into the woods to get killed by monsters & then the poisoning incident arc where she willingly drank a deadly poison just to break ruby and iske's marriage.

i think that even if her actions weren't as bad as Cesare she's still terrifying tbh like she's willing to do whatever it takes for her ambition.

Freya and Cesare are equally unlikable to me. It doesn't change the fact that Freya's ambition hurt those around her, and she had no right to treat Ruby the way she did. So, I dislike both Cesare and Freya just as much.

Mysterious bud\(^-^)/ · 11d

janne! can you share your analysis with us about Freya and Ellen's friendship and like say what do you think about it ending at the end of the mirror incident? Tbh i feel kinda bad because they really seemed as besties 💔 but what do you think?

Hmm Let's say it like this :

Sometimes it's necessary to cut off the nail that is causing you pain. Even though it's part of your body, it continues to hurt you. In the long run, it's better to cut it off than to allow it to keep hurting you.

It metaphorically represents a toxic friendship where one person feels like they need to cut ties, almost like trimming a grown nail that continues to cause pain.

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