Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 5mo

did you see the new drama with g0ges😭😭😭 5 ch left and we still got tb discourse omfg

these tb discourses are pure dogshit, always so immature and pointless. they get so mad at whos pixelated man takes it up the ass like? are you for real. do you see yourself. please touch grass and go outside. why cant you just ignore what u dislike and enjoy the ship like a normal fucking person, why do yall need to make every single thing a competition and an issue, christ man ive never seen tb discourse as bad as this ship

all this stupid shit over a sex position of a fictional ship is just so fucking pointless, i honestly dont get how ppl get soo worked up on this. and discourse keeps repating in this fandom, its kinda sad ):

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