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anon · 8mo

Sometimes I forget that being happy/normal all the time with a little sadness sprinkled in from time to time is how life is for most people. Like being sad all the time with small spurts of happiness is not the normal state that people are in... Haha... 😐 I mean when I think about it, it's so weird.

omg anon i'm so sorry for this late reply i did not see this until now hsdfkhsf ur right tho, it really is so weird when u think about it in that way. i'm not sure i fit into either side of it either. it's like i have long stretches of sadness with little moments of happiness then long stretches where i'm just content, sprinkled with little bits of sadness. it sucks that happiness isn't always a given. but i think thinking of ur life in this kind of way can make u feel worse about it. whatever ur default is is UR normal u know? that's what matters. how u handle it and how u make the most of it. cherish the happy moments whenever they happen and try to think more positively. of course that's easier said than done. and i don't even do that myself all the time lol but we only got one life so i think we have to do what we can to enjoy it. i hope u can find some happiness in the little things anon, even if it seems impossible. ur normal and ur human even if ur "default" is being sad all the time. u deserve happiness too. 🩷

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