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mau dong ditanya kamu :D


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Anonymous Coward · 2d

glad to know that you're doing fine

sunkissour · 2d

ya bada ya badi ya mayiti ya batinu (selamat! anda berhasil membaca doa memanggil pocong)

Anonymous Coward · 2d

oppa cool namja city I have a crush on you (fr) (this might look like a joke)

Anonymous Coward · 3d

u did well ibi, good job for today and yesterday also tomorrow onwards, i'm so proud of u so please always being proud of yourself too ya👏👏

sender, gue sangat amat berterima kasih untuk apresiasinya. i will.. semangat ngejalanin hari esok dan seterusnya ya sender, gue doain semoga lu sehat dan bahagia selalu. thank you sekali lagi, for the appreciation & remindernya.. 🙏🏻🫂

Anonymous Coward · 3d

Mau temenan, tapi tkt dikit

Anonymous Coward · 16d

kok lu masih bisa ngetweet dah, bukannya udah di qurban?

Dale Adams · 20d

Ihacoy sameru, mwah mwah😘🌹❤️

Anonymous Coward · 21d

Hi... May i know, do you set your eyes on someone? if it's not, is it okay if i have a crush on you?

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