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Jean · 5 answers · 6mo

What kind of people are you attracted to?

Pendengar yang baik, orang yang wawasannya luas yang suka berbagi pendapat tanpa men-judge orang lain (enak diajak diskusi berdua), care, talk-active, lucu (both yang suka ngelawak atau yg gemas).

a gentleman who has ear piercings, tattoos, and necklace on him. i always adore a gentleman who has provider mindset, soft spoken, dominant, taller than me, be able to lead me and the relationship as well. a man who can take care and loving his girlfriend deeply and loudly.

i’m attracted to people who are talkative and love to share everything with me, even the little things

A great listener and responder— juga sensenya bagus! Bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik dan bisa kasih pendapat-pendapat dia terus terbuka bgt dan enak kalau diajak diskusi! :D

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