Nonie · 15d

it's funny how jsteis are all about boycotting and getting the es el bee es contract revoled and them facing actual consequences of ehat they sis to them, meanwhile some isteis go on abt the collab. and jstei all cannot but wait (cause they know sh1t abt this, they listen to the songs and thats it. this collab will have 0 neg effects an asia steis. so funny to see different priorities. the es el be es case is such a big deal and that geta glossed over? ifit bothers u so much, tell the company

first of, i understand your revolt but also, it is important to contextualize.

the issues with slbs and what they did directly affected fans in a harmful way (financially fraudulent) and directly impacts skz as well. There is something to be said, especially when there is the potential harm a ssng can cause within that. the company can more objecti ely take action to the harm being done.

since the coca cola collab people have been trying to reach out to jyp about the situation. im certain there are people tryinv to do the same with the collab. but it is different when the harm is about a humanitarian-political conflict. also to mention not to mention contracts and such...

i'm personally frustrated due to the timing of things. nothing seems to ever be smooth sailing with the kids and i mostly feel bad because things happen and are more out of thwir control than some people also imagine

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