Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

gentle anon <3 · 1y

how are you? be honest :( - 🦷

Omg you’re my first emoji anon, hello!! Thank you for asking and giving me the space to be honest. I let this ask marinate for two weeks because before you were going to get a whole essay of my not-even-quarter-life crisis. But now I’m doing much better I suppose. My mood is still fluctuating up and down, in high intervals and high frequencies. It’s sometime I can manage though, with help. I also was going through a rough patch with my writing. Questioning why I was doing it in the first place and honestly it’s such an awful feeling: to doubt something that you once had so much passion for. It’s awful. But now that feeling’s in the past and I’m writing again. For myself. It’s so fun. And I’ve found my style and I don’t fight against it anymore. :) I’m doing well, tooth anon 🤍

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