
I make vore audio stuff and take pictures of myself in vrchat to edit into comics because it's fun

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Anonymous · 28d

Is it weird I have a crush on your owl oc?

Nope! I mean, it's pretty natural, ha. He's charming and has a big belly and engages in dramatics for fun.

That said, he's also totally going to eat you for giving him positive attention like this, and it'll probably happen with a fair bit of dramatic lead-up. Possibly on a dark and stormy night. So there's that too!

Anonymous · 1mo

cheating because it's a list of questions that I've wanted to clear of my chest, but they're not too too complicated to ask if you don't mind answering:

• Ever heard of the Rimworld vore mods?
• what is the pitchshift range of Tip and Tap?
• In how long could you be doing these endeavors? a decade or more?
and lastly
• Kindly eat me, please? 🍖 🥺🍖

  • Yep! I even helped put sounds into the big one, ha. I just wish a lot of the other mods I used didn't break rimworld, ha.
  • Don't quite remember off the top of my head. It's a few semitones, at least. x3
  • Well, I've already been doing it over a decade, so....yeah, probably a decade or more, ha
  • Only cause you asked nicely, and I haven't had breakfast yet ;9
Anonymous · 1mo

Have you ever thought of making more vore-themed board games?

Maybe a bit! But I've thought more about making a small video game or something. Only problem is that programming something like that is so scary. x3 Maybe at some point though. Maybe I'll make more music for possible games first, haha

Anyway yeah. Games is fun. I feel okay with where Nom! is at and that was pretty okay for a board game, ha

Anonymous · 1mo

Could you do more of Tip and Tap? I have a very glaring weakness for the lads.

I totally have recorded some stuff for them. When I get less busy or out of the country, I'll likely be getting back to that, hoho

But yeah! I have a whole sequence in mind and everything, it'll be fun, I'll stream work, just yeah not yet haha

Anonymous · 1mo

When it comes to the predatory habits of a cunning fox, would you prefer a slow, teasing consumption where every moment is savored, or a swift, gulping swallow? And if you had to choose, would you want to be consumed tail-first or head-first?

Haaaaa I mean heck, both of those things are good from a cunning fox. I'm just thinking of that fox that talks about how he just loooooves juicy squirrels, now, ahahaha

Tail-first vore though, I dunno, I'm never huge on that, or butt-first vore? I mean like, it's a cool flex on behalf of the pred. And I can understand a pred latching onto my butt. But I wouldn't necessarily want to be eaten that way. Little bit uncomfortable being folded in half like that. x3

Anonymous · 1mo

Considering a serpentine predator, how do you envision their behavior during a hunt? Are they more stealthy and methodical, or do they rely on raw power and speed to subdue their prey? What elements of their predatory style do you find most intriguing?

Stealthy, until they strike. Lots of coiling involved. Wrapping up their prey in lots of thick, cool coils. Slowly squeezing the life out of them. Whispered soft words about how tasty they are. Quiet teasing remarks. Tight pressure all around. Held snugly and firmly and....

I uh, I don't think I can think much past the coiling right now <.<

Anonymous · 1mo

Vore scenarios involving intimacy and seduction: do you find the idea of a charming, seductive predator who lulls their prey into a false sense of security before devouring them appealing? How does the blend of romance and danger enhance the experience for you?

Charming and seductive preds are fun, yeah. Even if the prey knows what's going to happen, they can't resist. Or maybe the charms make them ignore dangerous signals. And the pred might have the wires crossed in their head between romance and eating people alive. Devoured in a bout of passion, gurgling away and squirming while the pred strokes their stomach and huffs out a heady belch, maybe grinding against their belly... All theirs.

So yeah, that's real fun stuff, yeah. I like mixing vore and vorish peril with a healthy dash of passion/eroticism. x3

Anonymous · 1mo

Among non-human, monstrous predators, do you have a particular favorite?

Heeeeeck, I have no idea. Monsters are real hot. Like, on a base tier level, centaurs and nagas. Harpies don't get nearly enough love. Past that....well, there's a whole smorgasbord. Might need to be more specific. x3

Anonymous · 1mo

Favorite part of vore?

Probably the big gurgling gut with the prey inside. No no wait, the fat the prey leaves behind. No no wait, the demeanor of the pred. No no wait, how possessive and greedy and mean they are. No no wait

Anonymous · 1mo


Anonymous · 1mo

Who's older Tip or Tap? Also do either/both of them have a favourite routine or move to use when snatching someone up?

They're twins! Also, they have many routines and special moves. Some come from movies they were in, a lot of them are just their personal things! There's really no favorite, I don't think, they're all really good, ha. Anything with a name they can announce like an anime attack (e.g. the double bat butt bounce) is gonna be a favorite.

Anonymous · 1mo

Sex/seduction in vore, yay or nay? The thought of going home with a big fat squirrel who gulps his date while they're in the afterglow is a pretty good one.

Totally yes. Seducing prey is a great way of getting them off alone. Plus, if you're gonna satisfy one appetite, why not the other too? Plus, sex makes one hungry. Afterglow makes one tired. Rough humping from a squirrel makes him hungry and you all tired out. :9

Of course, there's also using someone as a sex toy, like AV. Or stuffing someone down your shaft once you're all excited, or afterwards. Those two are very sexual-adjacent, haha

Anonymous · 1mo

When getting devoured and melted into fat by an insatiable owl would you have a preference for being classically consumed or rapidly rump-stuffed? and feet-first or face-first?

You probably won't get the choice when a real predator is looming over you, but if you ask for it now maybe one reading your answer will generously oblige you.

It's super-hard to choose between OV and AV. x3 Any good predator would go head-first though! Gives the prey the least amount of chance of escape!

Mmm.. Right now I'd say rump-stuffed. Owl rumps are very very powerful. And fat. <.<

Anonymous · 1mo

Does Mordecai have any openings for a chair position? I think I'd be a good fit.

I hope you're ready for long corporate meetings, or lectures about "youth these days" and whatnot. Yes, he calls everybody youths. Because he's just -that- old. <.< And nowadays, people aren't shy about being into much older "daddy" types, so, y'know.

Ah shoot. I just realized I could mentally place him as the king from the cdi Zelda games. "My boy" and all that. "My boy, this seat is what all true owls strive for!". Okay I'm sorry. x3

Anonymous · 1mo

Hmm, well if the topic is owls, I'm curious, how does Mordecai operate on an average day? Is he more of a wild predator like wild owls, or does he try to maintain some level of modesty and hide his predation? I've seen both interpretations in art with him, so I'm curious what appeals most to you, as his creator :3

In all fairness, it's really up to his mood! In my head, owls have a secret society and have been running things for absolute ages. He's been around for an undeterminant amount of time, possibly hundreds of years. So he's got enough power and prestige and money to do whatever he wants. Could be the wild predator in the woods, could go out into society and be a large owl with a large appetite.. Lots of ways to take it. At any rate, currently, he owns a major power company, and that's what makes most money. But that's not something he has to be hands-on for, ha.

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