Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Sorcerer · 11mo

How would contributors be compensated

All contributors will be entitled to a digital copy of the zine at minimum. Further compensation will depend on the results of the interest check, in order to determine whether this zine will be for profit or for charity.

If the zine is for charity, contributors will receive compensation in the form of a free bundle+shipping, sales permitting (should we be unable to cover full costs, efforts will be made to provide bundles at the lowest cost possible). Any remaining profit will be donated to charity.

If the zine is for profit, after covering the cost of a free bundle+shipping, any remaining profits will be split between mods and contributors. Exact distribution ratios have yet to be determined.

A more detailed plan will be given pending the results of the interest check!

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