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Juicers · 5mo

If you had to permablimp/berry and you KNEW what you were going to do would result in it, what do you deem the most extravagant way to go about it?

Are you asking like, how I would trigger it or where I’d be? I’d probably do it at work tbh, and make a big show of how weird and awful it is that I’m changing like that and getting as much sympathy as possible while still trying to make myself sweep faster and bigger secretly :3

Juicers · 5mo

Time to turn you into a permaberry feedback loop. Feeding you your own juice to blimp you faster.

Juicers · 5mo

In the case of "2 city blocks", what's the occasion? Surely a size that big has motive behind it.

The occasion for me getting big and blimped is just being horny lol thats it. Usually if I get that tight and full its because I let myself wait too long to get juiced~

Juicers · 5mo

How big can Lin-berry get before she goes POP?

It depends on what size I'm at when I start growing, but lets say if I'm at my smallest 12ft height, then I can probably get to the size of like, 2 city blocks before blowing :3

Juicers · 5mo

I want to fill you right up before you burst, and just tease you at that thin line between popping and cumming

Juicers · 5mo

Inflate Kass till she explodes

Juicers · 5mo

Planetary blimps/berries kinda rules as a concept ngl...

I know right?! It’s why I made myself this way tbh. It’s fun being a typical fat Kaiju on my vtuber stuff but over here, I’m all for combining kinks like giantess and berries, etc

Juicers · 5mo

What are you’re typical prices for comms

Everything is currently on a waitlist but you can check them out at :3

Juicers · 5mo

Could you fill me up so I can become planet sized like you please?

Sure, as long as you’re fine with popping a few times until you’re able to swell up to the correct size to handle it~

Juicers · 5mo

Favorite way to burst?

Just getting so full and massive that my body can’t stretch any further. Creaking, pulsing, stretching out to that last millimeter before I split apart and flood everything around me~

Juicers · 5mo

What’s the difference between a “permaberry” and a regular berry

If you were a regular berry, you’d be fine and return to normal after getting juiced once. A permaberry is someone that retains juice no matter how many times they get juiced and emptied, so their body keeps making more and swelling up endlessly. I’m the latter of course~

Juicers · 5mo

Would you force feed me a planet please 🥺

Juicers · 5mo

How does one go about un-exploding themself?

Usually by magical healing means, or just having fun an innate ability to heal yourself

Juicers · 5mo

*transmitting my brainwaves
Oooooo you wanna draw more expansion art ooooooo

Juicers · 5mo

You prefer eating gas giants, normal planets or stars?

Legally speaking I cannot eat planets but hypothetically uhhh, normal planets are crunchier :3

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